[cricket-users] Wrong summary Values
Verena Petro
2011-12-29 08:52:08 UTC

I assume that I ran into the problem concerning displaying wrong ds sources in the summary header.
For example ("Cur:"-Value obviously does not match):

Values at last update:
Average bits in (for the day):
Cur: 0.00 Bits/sec
Avg: 1.51 MBits/sec
Max: 1.83 MBits/sec

Average bits out (for the day):
Cur: 1.60 MBits/sec
Avg: 108.02 kBits/sec
Max: 295.91 kBits/sec

Average Errors In * 10^4 (for the day):
Cur: 127.52 Merr/sec
Avg: 0.00 err/sec
Max: 0.00 err/sec

Average Errors Out * 10^4 (for the day):
Cur: 0.00 err/sec
Avg: 0.00 err/sec
Max: 0.00 err/sec

Unfortunately I could not find a solution, yet.
I think your sysadmins did an update (unfortunately I don't know the previous version), but currently we use

- cricket 1.0.5-13

- perl 5.10.1-17

- debian, squeeze (2.6.32-5-amd64)

- rrdtool 1.4.3-1

The apache log File also says:
Name "Common::global::gEnableSearch" used only once: possible typo at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/cricket/grapher-real.cgi line 841., referer: https://monhost/cgi-bin/cricket/grapher.cgi?target=/switche/aueberblick;ranges=d;view=Octets-Errors

Can anybody give me a hint how to fix this issue?

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