[cricket-users] Collector bug found
Kiss Gabor (Bitman)
2011-05-26 10:28:17 UTC
Hi guys!

I've just found a bug in collector.

Sometimes the program aborted with this message:
Undefined subroutine &main:: called at /usr/share/cricket/lib/ConfigTree/Cache.pm line 266.

that is
&{$w}("Found unknown tag '$name' during expansion of '$sstr'.");

Variable $w had no value. It should be $self->{"Warn"}.

Now I tracked down what happens.
collector begins with this:

$Common::global::gCT ||= new ConfigTree::Cache;
$gCT = $Common::global::gCT;
$gCT->Warn(\&Warn); <-------- normal case


my($recomp, $why) = $gCT->needsRecompile();
if ($recomp) {
Warn("Config tree needs to be recompiled: $why");

system("/usr/bin/cricket-compile " .
"-base $Common::global::gConfigRoot");

$gCT = new ConfigTree::Cache; <---- Ooops! New $gCT has no Warn

if (! $gCT->init()) {
Die("Failed to open compiled config tree from " .
"$Common::global::gConfigRoot/config.db: $!");

When some config files were newer than the compiled database,
collector dropped original $gCT object but the new one got no Warn function.

Solution: move $gCT->Warn(\&Warn) below if ($recomp) { }.

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