Mr Landsmann,
Thank you so much for leading me to the right direction!
It really could be worked out by adding some codes into as
you explained previously.
Thanks again!
-----Original Message-----
From: Oliver Landsmann [mailto:***]=20
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 8:34 PM
To: Wu, Kenny
Cc: cricket-***
Subject: Re: [cricket-users] Is Cricket Monitor Threshold workable for
"And" condition?
Just have a look at the file in the lib directory. Create a=20
new monitor by using the two existing ones as example:
-> monValue -> that will show you how to compare a value
-> monRelation -> that will tell you how to work with more then one ds
name it something like: monDualCondition and register it as a monitor:
$Common::global::gMonitorTable{'dualcondition'} =3D =
Then you could use something like that in cricket config, assuming that=20
you programmed the monitor part accordingly:
"DS_A : dualcondition : n : 10 : DS_B : n : 12 : SNMP"
It will take some work but it is not impossible.
Dear all,
I understand that Cricket can be configured with Monitor Thresholds to
provide extra functionality of alerting. And there is a detailed
description at this UR =3D> .
However it seems to me each threshold is only for one condition.
I now have a task of sending out an alarm when two conditions are both
met. Is it possible to configure this "And" logic in Cricket Monitor
Any input is highly appreciated.
Kenny Wu =20
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