[cricket-users] Suggestions on real-time polling?
Michael Tiarnaigh
2008-02-28 16:02:27 UTC
Hi all.

I am attempting to alter an existing Cricket configuration which is
currently polling over 10k devices every 10 mins to now make it poll
those same 10k devices at the same time intervals, but the change being
that it first does a lookup against IP first to see if this device is
actually online or not.

I have written a trap manager for each of my devices which updates the
status of that device in real time. Namely, if the device comes online,
then an snmp trap is sent to a server, and the server then runs a custom
script which updates the status of this device from offline to online in
a back-end Mysql database. The issue I was having was that Cricket was
trying to poll over 10k devices every 10 mins, but only actually about
4-5 k of these devices were actually online or contactable at any given
time. As such, I was getting a lot of snmp time-outs, and the collectors
were taking an age to run. What I now want to do is make Cricket poll
only those devices which is sees as being active from the Mysql DB.

Has anyone else ever come across this issue, or have any experience in
creating such a thing? I am currently trying to develop this, so any
help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Micheal Tiarnaigh

IP Network Engineer

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