2009-09-04 05:55:21 UTC
I have two problems with Cricket graphing for our ASA firewall I need some
help with.
Firstly, none of the redundant, or Vlan interfaces are graphing. I think I
can see why, but I'm not sure how to fix this.
Secondly the there is no graphing being recorded for the CPU/ MEM.
Is it just a case of editing the target file manually, or do I somehow need
to generate a new target file in a way that it is recognized as a pix/asa
firewall, and not just a standard-device.
I'm currently using Cricket version 1.0.5 (2004-03-28). It was somebody
else's build, so I've inherited looking after cricket now.
Any help would be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance
- PJ
Here is part of the targets file(edited for security) -
# Generated by genRtrConfig
# Date: Fri Sep 4 16:03:59 2009
# Args: -c public -2 --vendorint --namedonly --vlans
# Description: Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Version 8.0(4)39
# Contact: ***@blah
# System Name: asa1
# Location: blah -- blah -- blah
target --default--
directory-desc = "blah -- blah -- blah"
display-name = "%router% %interface-name%"
inst = map(interface-name)
interface-name = ""
ip = ""
long-desc = %short-desc%
router = ""
short-desc = ""
target-type = standard-interface
target Chassis-Generic
collect = false
inst = 0
long-desc = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Version 8.0(4)39"
order = 999
short-desc = " type of chassis"
target-type = Generic-Device
### Interface 1: ethernetCsmacd (6)#
target Adaptive_Security_Appliance_'mngt0_0_management_int'_interface
interface-name = "Adaptive Security Appliance 'mngt0_0_management_int'
long-desc = "<BR><BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd"
order = 899
rrd-max = 100000000
rrd-max-octets = 12500000
short-desc = ""
target-type = standard-interface
### Interface 2: ethernetCsmacd (6)
### - Has an insane speed.
# target Adaptive_Security_Appliance_'Redundant1'_interface
# interface-name = "Adaptive Security Appliance 'Redundant1' interface"
# long-desc = "<BR><BR> ethernetCsmacd"
# order = 898
# rrd-max = ""
# rrd-max-octets = 0
# short-desc = ""
# snmp-version = 2c
# target-type = standard-interface-hc
### Interface 3: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
### - Has an insane speed.
# target Adaptive_Security_Appliance_'OUTSIDE_Gi0_0.60'_interface
# interface-name = "Adaptive Security Appliance 'OUTSIDE_Gi0/0.60'
# long-desc = "<BR>(no hostname)<BR><BR> Layer 2 Virtual
LAN using 802.1Q"
# order = 897
# rrd-max = ""
# rrd-max-octets = 0
# short-desc = ""
# snmp-version = 2c
# target-type = sub-interface-hc
### Interface 4: ethernetCsmacd (6)
### - Has an insane speed.
# target Adaptive_Security_Appliance_'Redundant2'_interface
# interface-name = "Adaptive Security Appliance 'Redundant2' interface"
# long-desc = "<BR><BR> ethernetCsmacd"
# order = 896
# rrd-max = ""
# rrd-max-octets = 0
# short-desc = ""
# snmp-version = 2c
# target-type = standard-interface-hc
I have two problems with Cricket graphing for our ASA firewall I need some
help with.
Firstly, none of the redundant, or Vlan interfaces are graphing. I think I
can see why, but I'm not sure how to fix this.
Secondly the there is no graphing being recorded for the CPU/ MEM.
Is it just a case of editing the target file manually, or do I somehow need
to generate a new target file in a way that it is recognized as a pix/asa
firewall, and not just a standard-device.
I'm currently using Cricket version 1.0.5 (2004-03-28). It was somebody
else's build, so I've inherited looking after cricket now.
Any help would be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance
- PJ
Here is part of the targets file(edited for security) -
# Generated by genRtrConfig
# Date: Fri Sep 4 16:03:59 2009
# Args: -c public -2 --vendorint --namedonly --vlans
# Description: Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Version 8.0(4)39
# Contact: ***@blah
# System Name: asa1
# Location: blah -- blah -- blah
target --default--
directory-desc = "blah -- blah -- blah"
display-name = "%router% %interface-name%"
inst = map(interface-name)
interface-name = ""
ip = ""
long-desc = %short-desc%
router = ""
short-desc = ""
target-type = standard-interface
target Chassis-Generic
collect = false
inst = 0
long-desc = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Version 8.0(4)39"
order = 999
short-desc = " type of chassis"
target-type = Generic-Device
### Interface 1: ethernetCsmacd (6)#
target Adaptive_Security_Appliance_'mngt0_0_management_int'_interface
interface-name = "Adaptive Security Appliance 'mngt0_0_management_int'
long-desc = "<BR><BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd"
order = 899
rrd-max = 100000000
rrd-max-octets = 12500000
short-desc = ""
target-type = standard-interface
### Interface 2: ethernetCsmacd (6)
### - Has an insane speed.
# target Adaptive_Security_Appliance_'Redundant1'_interface
# interface-name = "Adaptive Security Appliance 'Redundant1' interface"
# long-desc = "<BR><BR> ethernetCsmacd"
# order = 898
# rrd-max = ""
# rrd-max-octets = 0
# short-desc = ""
# snmp-version = 2c
# target-type = standard-interface-hc
### Interface 3: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
### - Has an insane speed.
# target Adaptive_Security_Appliance_'OUTSIDE_Gi0_0.60'_interface
# interface-name = "Adaptive Security Appliance 'OUTSIDE_Gi0/0.60'
# long-desc = "<BR>(no hostname)<BR><BR> Layer 2 Virtual
LAN using 802.1Q"
# order = 897
# rrd-max = ""
# rrd-max-octets = 0
# short-desc = ""
# snmp-version = 2c
# target-type = sub-interface-hc
### Interface 4: ethernetCsmacd (6)
### - Has an insane speed.
# target Adaptive_Security_Appliance_'Redundant2'_interface
# interface-name = "Adaptive Security Appliance 'Redundant2' interface"
# long-desc = "<BR><BR> ethernetCsmacd"
# order = 896
# rrd-max = ""
# rrd-max-octets = 0
# short-desc = ""
# snmp-version = 2c
# target-type = standard-interface-hc