[cricket-users] "Installing Cricket for the Complete Beginner" documentation patch :-)
Sam Hooker
2009-05-18 15:48:40 UTC
Hi there,

Thanks to the folks that maintain the Cricket documentation: it's quite helpful. I was running through "Installing Cricket for the Complete Beginner" today, and noted a few grammatical errors, along with a little formatting inconsistency that might make it tough for someone who's a newbie sysadmin (as opposed to just a newbie Cricket users) to grok. I've attached a patch with some proposed changes that 1) straighten up some apparent typos and 2) try to make the "text decoration" style a little more internally-consistent. (I attempted to follow the standard used by O'Reilly and other publishers of technical books, to achieve more "newbie-friendliness" through familiarity.)

While I tried to steer clear of "editorializing" about style, tone, and voice (which I found to be generally good), the patch also includes some small changes in construction, aimed at clarifying a few minor awkwardnesses and increasing encouragement of The Serious Newb(tm). ;-) My feelings will be unhurt if these are rejected.

Finally, I disclaim any warranty of perfection, as 1) I'm human, and 2) I did this during a very short break at work. Thanks to the Cricket team and community for maintaining a great tool!


- -sth

sam hooker|***@noiseplant.com|http://www.noiseplant.com

Are you satisfied? ([y]/n):
Sam Hooker
2009-05-18 17:59:16 UTC
Sorry for any confusion caused by my last post, which appears to have arrive w/o its attachment. There should be two files attached to this one: a text file in "diff -Naur" format, and an HTML file.


Yes, although it would not open by just clicking on it. I had to
tell Windows XP to use firefox to view it. XP is probably confused
by the name of the attachment "beginner.html.patch"
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 10:24 AM
To: Timothy Rand
Subject: Re: [cricket-users] "Installing Cricket for the Complete
Beginner" documentation patch :-)
Hi Tim,
Thanks for letting me know. I'll try w/o the GPG signature. Can you
see an attachment to this email?
Thanks Sam -
The patch was not attached to your email
- Tim
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 8:49 AM
Subject: [cricket-users] "Installing Cricket for the Complete
Beginner" documentation patch :-)
Hash: SHA1
Hi there,
Thanks to the folks that maintain the Cricket documentation: it's
quite helpful. I was running through "Installing Cricket for the
Complete Beginner" today, and noted a few grammatical errors, along
with a little formatting inconsistency that might make it tough for
someone who's a newbie sysadmin (as opposed to just a newbie
users) to grok. I've attached a patch with some proposed changes
1) straighten up some apparent typos and 2) try to make the "text
decoration" style a little more internally-consistent. (I attempted
follow the standard used by O'Reilly and other publishers of
books, to achieve more "newbie-friendliness" through familiarity.)
While I tried to steer clear of "editorializing" about style, tone,
and voice (which I found to be generally good), the patch also
includes some small changes in construction, aimed at clarifying a
minor awkwardnesses and increasing encouragement of The Serious
Newb(tm). ;-) My feelings will be unhurt if these are rejected.
Finally, I disclaim any warranty of perfection, as 1) I'm human,
2) I did this during a very short break at work. Thanks to the
team and community for maintaining a great tool!
- -sth
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)