[cricket-users] URL encoding question
Daniel Sanchez Dorado
2008-07-09 11:50:59 UTC
I have a problem with the cricket url encoding. I have link to my
cricket installacion from another software that don't allow the ";"
This software doesn't accept urls like :

because of the ";".
I have tried to enconde the ";" character:
but the grapher doesn't work. It seems to be a parser problem. It's
normal that cricket doesn't accept "%3B" like ";"?

Thank you.
O O O Daniel Sanchez Dorado
O O O Responsable de Redes LCFIB
O O O Facultad Informatica Barcelona
UPC Tel. 934016933 ***@fib.upc.edu
Kiss Gabor (Bitman)
2008-07-09 12:02:00 UTC
Post by Daniel Sanchez Dorado
but the grapher doesn't work. It seems to be a parser problem. It's
normal that cricket doesn't accept "%3B" like ";"?
It is the web server who splits tail of URL (after '?') by ';'
and passes chunks to CGI program.
If you write %3B web server does not split param list but replaces
encoded char with a simple semicolon.
That is unparseable by grapher.cgi.


Carville, Stephen
2008-07-09 18:49:39 UTC
Post by Daniel Sanchez Dorado
I have a problem with the cricket url encoding. I have link to my
cricket installacion from another software that don't allow the ";"
Try changing the semicolon (;) to an ampersand (&).

What software are you using that rejects the semicolon BTW?

Stephen Carville <***@landam.com>
Systems Engineer
Land America
1.626.667.1450 X1326
That which does not kill us often hurts us a lot.
