[cricket-users] CiscoAP 1142N
John Cardinale
2012-10-24 23:36:58 UTC
Hello all,
This is my first cricket instance, and while the data is being logged and graphed correctly for routers, when I attempted to add my access points to cricket it draws empty graphs.


100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd
Values at last update:
Average bits in (for the day):
Cur: -nan bits/sec
Avg: nan bits/sec
Max: nan bits/sec

Average bits out (for the day):
Cur: -nan bits/sec
Avg: nan bits/sec
Max: nan bits/sec

Last updated at Wed Oct 24 16:30:01 2012
Here is how I generated it initially,
***@Maas-core:/etc/cricket/config# /usr/share/cricket/util/genDevConfig -c public -rtragents --loglevel debug -2 --vendorint accesspoint03

And the following output

Use of uninitialized value $Common::global::isCollector in numeric eq (==) at /usr/share/cricket/lib/ConfigTree/Cache.pm line 58.
[Warn *] Using current version of the config.db. Make sure it is up to date.
[Info ] Log level changed from warn to debug.
[Info ] Script genDevConfig started on: 24-Oct-2012 16:33:07
[Info ] Building Name to IP Adress Translation
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Debug ]
MIB-II System description: Cisco IOS Software, C1140 Software (C1140-K9W7-M), Version 12.4(25d)JA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)<BR>Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport<BR>Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.<BR>Compiled Thu 09-Dec-10 15:24 by prod_rel_team
[Info ] Found a plugin for Cisco IOS Software, C1140 Software (C1140-K9W7-M), Version 12.4(25d)JA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)<BR>Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport<BR>Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.<BR>Compiled Thu 09-Dec-10 15:24 by prod_rel_team
[Info ] Custom discovery functions for plugin: CiscoIOS genDevConfig Module
[Info ] Found an IOS device: model: C1140
[Info ] Current model: C1140
[Info ] Model: C1140
[Info ] Type: Cisco-Generic-Router
[Info ] Walking ifAlias...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifDescr...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifType...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifMtu...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifSpeed...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifAdminStatus...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifOperStatus...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking dot3StatsIndex...
[Info ] ......................... 3
[Info ] Walking dsx1TotalIndex...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking ipAdEntAddr...
[Info ] ......................... 1
[Info ] Walking ipAdEntIfIndex...
[Info ] ......................... 1
[Info ] Walking ifHCInOctets...
[Info ] ......................... 12
[Info ] Walking ifHighSpeed...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: directory-desc value:
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: ip value:
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: devicename value: accesspoint03
Missing argument in printf at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/Log.pm line 81.
Missing argument in printf at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/Log.pm line 81.
Invalid conversion in printf: "%\012" at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/Log.pm line 81.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: display-name value: 0evicename%interface-name%
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value:
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: inst value: map(interface-name)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: snmp-host value:
Missing argument in printf at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/Log.pm line 81.
Missing argument in printf at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/Log.pm line 81.
Invalid conversion in printf: "%\012" at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/Log.pm line 81.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: hort-desc%
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: standard-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value:
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: Chassis
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 999
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: Cisco IOS Software, C1140 Software (C1140-K9W7-M), Version 12.4(25d)JA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)<BR>Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport<BR>Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.<BR>Compiled Thu 09-Dec-10 15:24 by prod_rel_team<BR>sysContact: ***@trivedieffect.com
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: inst value: 0
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: class value: cisco
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: Cisco-Generic-Router
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: C1140 class chassis
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Info ] Building Custom Non-Interface Statistics
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: device-traffic
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 998
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: Switch fabric statistics - Packets per Second
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: inst value:
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: Device-Traffic
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: Switch fabric statistics - Packets per Second
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Info ] Walking cardIfSlotNumber...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking cardIfPortNumber...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking frCircuitState...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking cfrExtCircuitSubifIndex...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking rttMonEchoAdminProtocol...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking rttMonCtrlOperState...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking rttMonCtrlAdminTag...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking ccarConfigAccIdx...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking cbwfqObject...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking cbwfqPolicy...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Debug ] index: ipadentif: 13 data: AccessPoint03
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Info ] Processing Pre-Process of interface list
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Info ] Processing Pre-Process modular output
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Info ] Processing Interface list
[Debug ] extended:$index = 1
[Debug ] extended:$dot3statsindex{1} = 1
[Debug ] ### Interface 1: Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) (71)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 OK
[Debug ] ### Target: Dot11Radio0 ###
[Debug ] Commented-out:
[Debug ] Config: target-type cisco-interface interface-name Dot11Radio0 short-desc <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) long-desc <BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) order 899 rrd-max 54000000 rrd-max-octets 6750000 monitor-type cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max value: 54000000
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: Dot11Radio0
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 899
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: <BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max-octets value: 6750000
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Debug ] extended:$index = 2
[Debug ] extended:$dot3statsindex{2} = 2
[Debug ] ### Interface 2: Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) (71)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 OK
[Debug ] ### Target: Dot11Radio1 ###
[Debug ] Commented-out:
[Debug ] Config: target-type cisco-interface interface-name Dot11Radio1 short-desc <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) long-desc <BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) order 898 rrd-max 54000000 rrd-max-octets 6750000 monitor-type cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max value: 54000000
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: Dot11Radio1
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 898
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: <BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max-octets value: 6750000
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Debug ] extended:$index = 3
[Debug ] extended:$dot3statsindex{3} = 3
[Debug ] ### Interface 3: ethernetCsmacd (6)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 100.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 OK
[Debug ] ### Target: GigabitEthernet0 ###
[Debug ] Commented-out:
[Debug ] Config: target-type cisco-interface interface-name GigabitEthernet0 short-desc <BR>Description: <BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd long-desc <BR><BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd order 897 rrd-max 100000000 rrd-max-octets 12500000 monitor-type cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max value: 100000000
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: GigabitEthernet0
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 897
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: <BR><BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: <BR>Description: <BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max-octets value: 12500000
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Debug ] extended:$index = 4 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 4: Other (1)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 10.0 GBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 5 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 5: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 6 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 6: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 7 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 7: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 8 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 8: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 9 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 9: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 10 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 10: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 100.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 11 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 11: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 100.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 12 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 12: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 100.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 13 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 13: bridge Transparent bridge interface (209)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 OK
[Debug ] ### Target: BVI1 ###
[Debug ] Commented-out:
[Debug ] Config: target-type cisco-interface interface-name BVI1 short-desc <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s bridge Transparent bridge interface long-desc <BR>AccessPoint03<BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s bridge Transparent bridge interface order 887 rrd-max 54000000 rrd-max-octets 6750000 monitor-type cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max value: 54000000
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: BVI1
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 887
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: <BR>AccessPoint03<BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s bridge Transparent bridge interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s bridge Transparent bridge interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max-octets value: 6750000
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Info ] Closing filehandles
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
Francois Mikus
2012-10-25 02:20:46 UTC
Hello John,

Apart from the few debug statements bugging out on unescaped or empty
values, it should work as advertised.

I would suggest running Cricket with an info or debug log level. You
will see what the issue is.

I would also suggest making sure the basics work: Like your community
string in the config tree.
You can also check what your server is sending and receiving using
Wireshark, if you are more familiar with that. You will see if the snmp
requests just timeout or return an error.

If they timeout, it is a community string issue. ;-)



-- genDevConfig 3.x is now on github --
-- No new supported devices compared to the 2.x Cricket version --
John Cardinale
2012-10-25 16:46:11 UTC
Thanks Francois, I am actually getting PPS from the AP, so the string is ok, guess I'll just have to debug and go line by line =( I was hoping there was a known issue. But at least I know where I have to test next.

Checking logs, I guess it will be a long process, but looks like this is where the issue resides.

//log sniplet
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for bvi1 (14): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for bvi1 (14).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for bvi1 (14): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for bvi1 (14).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for chassis (0): U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for chassis (0).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for device-traffic (): 0,12836
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Walking ifDescr for to resolve interface-name mapping
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for dot11radio0 (1): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for dot11radio0 (1).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for dot11radio0 (1): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for dot11radio0 (1).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for dot11radio1 (2): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for dot11radio1 (2).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for dot11radio1 (2): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for dot11radio1 (2).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for gigabitethernet0 (3): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for gigabitethernet0 (3).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for gigabitethernet0 (3): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U

-----Original Message-----
From: Francois Mikus [mailto:***@acktomic.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 7:21 PM
To: cricket-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [cricket-users] CiscoAP 1142N

Hello John,

Apart from the few debug statements bugging out on unescaped or empty values, it should work as advertised.

I would suggest running Cricket with an info or debug log level. You will see what the issue is.

I would also suggest making sure the basics work: Like your community string in the config tree.
You can also check what your server is sending and receiving using Wireshark, if you are more familiar with that. You will see if the snmp requests just timeout or return an error.

If they timeout, it is a community string issue. ;-)



-- genDevConfig 3.x is now on github --
-- No new supported devices compared to the 2.x Cricket version --
Francois Mikus
2012-10-26 03:47:28 UTC
Hello John,

Your problem is simply that genDevConfig is creating an invalid

It is identifying the wireless interfaces as if they were ethernet
interfaces, which they arent!

They need to be identified as wireless interfaces and the correct target
type applied.

The target type for wireless interfaces uses:

### OIDS For Aironet Wireless Access Point

OidClientsAssociated = .
OidClientsTotal = .
OidAPCount = .
OidawcFtBridge = .
OidawcFtBridgeSelf = .

If the OIDs for you AP are different you need to identify what they are.

If you supply the OIDs that should be monitored I can update the
Defaults.cisco file to add the new OIDs, datasources and targettypes.

Once that is done, genDevConfig needs to be updated to recognize the
sysObjectID of your device(s) and the new target types applied for
chassis type information and interface specific information.

genDevConfig 2.x templates haven't been updated in a looong time.
genDevConfig 3.x has been converted for use with Shinken and that is
were all they new stuff will be going. Though genDevConfig 2.x can still
be updated in the Cricket svn. The acktomic.com web site has a word
document which explains how it works and how to add new devices. :-)

Hope that helps! Do not worry, your setup is working...


Post by John Cardinale
Thanks Francois, I am actually getting PPS from the AP, so the string is ok, guess I'll just have to debug and go line by line =( I was hoping there was a known issue. But at least I know where I have to test next.
Checking logs, I guess it will be a long process, but looks like this is where the issue resides.
//log sniplet
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for bvi1 (14): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for bvi1 (14).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for bvi1 (14): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for bvi1 (14).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for chassis (0): U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for chassis (0).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for device-traffic (): 0,12836
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Walking ifDescr for to resolve interface-name mapping
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for dot11radio0 (1): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for dot11radio0 (1).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for dot11radio0 (1): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for dot11radio0 (1).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for dot11radio1 (2): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for dot11radio1 (2).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for dot11radio1 (2): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for dot11radio1 (2).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for gigabitethernet0 (3): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for gigabitethernet0 (3).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for gigabitethernet0 (3): U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: [cricket-users] CiscoAP 1142N
Hello John,
Apart from the few debug statements bugging out on unescaped or empty values, it should work as advertised.
I would suggest running Cricket with an info or debug log level. You will see what the issue is.
I would also suggest making sure the basics work: Like your community string in the config tree.
You can also check what your server is sending and receiving using Wireshark, if you are more familiar with that. You will see if the snmp requests just timeout or return an error.
If they timeout, it is a community string issue. ;-)
-- genDevConfig 3.x is now on github --
-- No new supported devices compared to the 2.x Cricket version --
Everyone hates slow websites. So do we.
cricket-users mailing list
John Cardinale
2012-10-26 16:41:38 UTC
Yup, actually I got it working about 2 hours later, turned on global debug for a min and watched it try to poll, and saw all the issues. Everything is working perfectly now. Thanks for your help!

-----Original Message-----
From: Francois Mikus [mailto:***@acktomic.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 8:47 PM
Cc: cricket-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [cricket-users] CiscoAP 1142N

Hello John,

Your problem is simply that genDevConfig is creating an invalid configuration.

It is identifying the wireless interfaces as if they were ethernet interfaces, which they arent!

They need to be identified as wireless interfaces and the correct target type applied.

The target type for wireless interfaces uses:

### OIDS For Aironet Wireless Access Point

OidClientsAssociated = .
OidClientsTotal = .
OidAPCount = .
OidawcFtBridge = .
OidawcFtBridgeSelf = .

If the OIDs for you AP are different you need to identify what they are.

If you supply the OIDs that should be monitored I can update the Defaults.cisco file to add the new OIDs, datasources and targettypes.

Once that is done, genDevConfig needs to be updated to recognize the sysObjectID of your device(s) and the new target types applied for chassis type information and interface specific information.

genDevConfig 2.x templates haven't been updated in a looong time.
genDevConfig 3.x has been converted for use with Shinken and that is were all they new stuff will be going. Though genDevConfig 2.x can still be updated in the Cricket svn. The acktomic.com web site has a word document which explains how it works and how to add new devices. :-)

Hope that helps! Do not worry, your setup is working...


Post by John Cardinale
Thanks Francois, I am actually getting PPS from the AP, so the string is ok, guess I'll just have to debug and go line by line =( I was hoping there was a known issue. But at least I know where I have to test next.
Checking logs, I guess it will be a long process, but looks like this is where the issue resides.
//log sniplet
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for bvi1 (14).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for bvi1 (14).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code
noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for chassis (0): U,U,U,U,U
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for chassis (0).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Retrieved data for device-traffic (): 0,12836
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code
noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Walking ifDescr for to resolve interface-name mapping
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code
noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for dot11radio0 (1).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for dot11radio0 (1).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code
noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code
noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for dot11radio1 (2).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for dot11radio1 (2).
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code
noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02*] Received SNMP response with error code
noSuchName. OID:
[25-Oct-2012 09:40:02 ] Some data is missing for gigabitethernet0 (3).
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: [cricket-users] CiscoAP 1142N
Hello John,
Apart from the few debug statements bugging out on unescaped or empty values, it should work as advertised.
I would suggest running Cricket with an info or debug log level. You will see what the issue is.
I would also suggest making sure the basics work: Like your community string in the config tree.
You can also check what your server is sending and receiving using Wireshark, if you are more familiar with that. You will see if the snmp requests just timeout or return an error.
If they timeout, it is a community string issue. ;-)
-- genDevConfig 3.x is now on github --
-- No new supported devices compared to the 2.x Cricket version --
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