John Cardinale
2012-10-24 23:36:58 UTC
Hello all,
This is my first cricket instance, and while the data is being logged and graphed correctly for routers, when I attempted to add my access points to cricket it draws empty graphs.
100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd
Values at last update:
Average bits in (for the day):
Cur: -nan bits/sec
Avg: nan bits/sec
Max: nan bits/sec
Average bits out (for the day):
Cur: -nan bits/sec
Avg: nan bits/sec
Max: nan bits/sec
Last updated at Wed Oct 24 16:30:01 2012
Here is how I generated it initially,
***@Maas-core:/etc/cricket/config# /usr/share/cricket/util/genDevConfig -c public -rtragents --loglevel debug -2 --vendorint accesspoint03
And the following output
Use of uninitialized value $Common::global::isCollector in numeric eq (==) at /usr/share/cricket/lib/ConfigTree/ line 58.
[Warn *] Using current version of the config.db. Make sure it is up to date.
[Info ] Log level changed from warn to debug.
[Info ] Script genDevConfig started on: 24-Oct-2012 16:33:07
[Info ] Building Name to IP Adress Translation
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Debug ]
MIB-II System description: Cisco IOS Software, C1140 Software (C1140-K9W7-M), Version 12.4(25d)JA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)<BR>Technical Support:<BR>Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.<BR>Compiled Thu 09-Dec-10 15:24 by prod_rel_team
[Info ] Found a plugin for Cisco IOS Software, C1140 Software (C1140-K9W7-M), Version 12.4(25d)JA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)<BR>Technical Support:<BR>Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.<BR>Compiled Thu 09-Dec-10 15:24 by prod_rel_team
[Info ] Custom discovery functions for plugin: CiscoIOS genDevConfig Module
[Info ] Found an IOS device: model: C1140
[Info ] Current model: C1140
[Info ] Model: C1140
[Info ] Type: Cisco-Generic-Router
[Info ] Walking ifAlias...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifDescr...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifType...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifMtu...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifSpeed...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifAdminStatus...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifOperStatus...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking dot3StatsIndex...
[Info ] ......................... 3
[Info ] Walking dsx1TotalIndex...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking ipAdEntAddr...
[Info ] ......................... 1
[Info ] Walking ipAdEntIfIndex...
[Info ] ......................... 1
[Info ] Walking ifHCInOctets...
[Info ] ......................... 12
[Info ] Walking ifHighSpeed...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: directory-desc value:
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: ip value:
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: devicename value: accesspoint03
Missing argument in printf at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/ line 81.
Missing argument in printf at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/ line 81.
Invalid conversion in printf: "%\012" at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/ line 81.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: display-name value: 0evicename%interface-name%
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value:
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: inst value: map(interface-name)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: snmp-host value:
Missing argument in printf at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/ line 81.
Missing argument in printf at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/ line 81.
Invalid conversion in printf: "%\012" at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/ line 81.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: hort-desc%
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: standard-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value:
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: Chassis
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 999
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: Cisco IOS Software, C1140 Software (C1140-K9W7-M), Version 12.4(25d)JA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)<BR>Technical Support:<BR>Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.<BR>Compiled Thu 09-Dec-10 15:24 by prod_rel_team<BR>sysContact: ***
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: inst value: 0
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: class value: cisco
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: Cisco-Generic-Router
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: C1140 class chassis
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Info ] Building Custom Non-Interface Statistics
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: device-traffic
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 998
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: Switch fabric statistics - Packets per Second
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: inst value:
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: Device-Traffic
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: Switch fabric statistics - Packets per Second
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Info ] Walking cardIfSlotNumber...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking cardIfPortNumber...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking frCircuitState...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking cfrExtCircuitSubifIndex...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking rttMonEchoAdminProtocol...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking rttMonCtrlOperState...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking rttMonCtrlAdminTag...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking ccarConfigAccIdx...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking cbwfqObject...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking cbwfqPolicy...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Debug ] index: ipadentif: 13 data: AccessPoint03
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Info ] Processing Pre-Process of interface list
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Info ] Processing Pre-Process modular output
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Info ] Processing Interface list
[Debug ] extended:$index = 1
[Debug ] extended:$dot3statsindex{1} = 1
[Debug ] ### Interface 1: Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) (71)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 OK
[Debug ] ### Target: Dot11Radio0 ###
[Debug ] Commented-out:
[Debug ] Config: target-type cisco-interface interface-name Dot11Radio0 short-desc <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) long-desc <BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) order 899 rrd-max 54000000 rrd-max-octets 6750000 monitor-type cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max value: 54000000
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: Dot11Radio0
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 899
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: <BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max-octets value: 6750000
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Debug ] extended:$index = 2
[Debug ] extended:$dot3statsindex{2} = 2
[Debug ] ### Interface 2: Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) (71)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 OK
[Debug ] ### Target: Dot11Radio1 ###
[Debug ] Commented-out:
[Debug ] Config: target-type cisco-interface interface-name Dot11Radio1 short-desc <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) long-desc <BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) order 898 rrd-max 54000000 rrd-max-octets 6750000 monitor-type cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max value: 54000000
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: Dot11Radio1
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 898
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: <BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max-octets value: 6750000
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Debug ] extended:$index = 3
[Debug ] extended:$dot3statsindex{3} = 3
[Debug ] ### Interface 3: ethernetCsmacd (6)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 100.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 OK
[Debug ] ### Target: GigabitEthernet0 ###
[Debug ] Commented-out:
[Debug ] Config: target-type cisco-interface interface-name GigabitEthernet0 short-desc <BR>Description: <BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd long-desc <BR><BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd order 897 rrd-max 100000000 rrd-max-octets 12500000 monitor-type cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max value: 100000000
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: GigabitEthernet0
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 897
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: <BR><BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: <BR>Description: <BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max-octets value: 12500000
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Debug ] extended:$index = 4 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 4: Other (1)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 10.0 GBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 5 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 5: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 6 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 6: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 7 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 7: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 8 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 8: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 9 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 9: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 10 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 10: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 100.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 11 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 11: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 100.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 12 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 12: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 100.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 13 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 13: bridge Transparent bridge interface (209)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 OK
[Debug ] ### Target: BVI1 ###
[Debug ] Commented-out:
[Debug ] Config: target-type cisco-interface interface-name BVI1 short-desc <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s bridge Transparent bridge interface long-desc <BR>AccessPoint03<BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s bridge Transparent bridge interface order 887 rrd-max 54000000 rrd-max-octets 6750000 monitor-type cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max value: 54000000
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: BVI1
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 887
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: <BR>AccessPoint03<BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s bridge Transparent bridge interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s bridge Transparent bridge interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max-octets value: 6750000
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Info ] Closing filehandles
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
This is my first cricket instance, and while the data is being logged and graphed correctly for routers, when I attempted to add my access points to cricket it draws empty graphs.
100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd
Values at last update:
Average bits in (for the day):
Cur: -nan bits/sec
Avg: nan bits/sec
Max: nan bits/sec
Average bits out (for the day):
Cur: -nan bits/sec
Avg: nan bits/sec
Max: nan bits/sec
Last updated at Wed Oct 24 16:30:01 2012
Here is how I generated it initially,
***@Maas-core:/etc/cricket/config# /usr/share/cricket/util/genDevConfig -c public -rtragents --loglevel debug -2 --vendorint accesspoint03
And the following output
Use of uninitialized value $Common::global::isCollector in numeric eq (==) at /usr/share/cricket/lib/ConfigTree/ line 58.
[Warn *] Using current version of the config.db. Make sure it is up to date.
[Info ] Log level changed from warn to debug.
[Info ] Script genDevConfig started on: 24-Oct-2012 16:33:07
[Info ] Building Name to IP Adress Translation
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Debug ]
MIB-II System description: Cisco IOS Software, C1140 Software (C1140-K9W7-M), Version 12.4(25d)JA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)<BR>Technical Support:<BR>Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.<BR>Compiled Thu 09-Dec-10 15:24 by prod_rel_team
[Info ] Found a plugin for Cisco IOS Software, C1140 Software (C1140-K9W7-M), Version 12.4(25d)JA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)<BR>Technical Support:<BR>Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.<BR>Compiled Thu 09-Dec-10 15:24 by prod_rel_team
[Info ] Custom discovery functions for plugin: CiscoIOS genDevConfig Module
[Info ] Found an IOS device: model: C1140
[Info ] Current model: C1140
[Info ] Model: C1140
[Info ] Type: Cisco-Generic-Router
[Info ] Walking ifAlias...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifDescr...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifType...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifMtu...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifSpeed...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifAdminStatus...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking ifOperStatus...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Info ] Walking dot3StatsIndex...
[Info ] ......................... 3
[Info ] Walking dsx1TotalIndex...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking ipAdEntAddr...
[Info ] ......................... 1
[Info ] Walking ipAdEntIfIndex...
[Info ] ......................... 1
[Info ] Walking ifHCInOctets...
[Info ] ......................... 12
[Info ] Walking ifHighSpeed...
[Info ] ......................... 13
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: directory-desc value:
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: ip value:
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: devicename value: accesspoint03
Missing argument in printf at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/ line 81.
Missing argument in printf at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/ line 81.
Invalid conversion in printf: "%\012" at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/ line 81.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: display-name value: 0evicename%interface-name%
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value:
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: inst value: map(interface-name)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: snmp-host value:
Missing argument in printf at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/ line 81.
Missing argument in printf at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/ line 81.
Invalid conversion in printf: "%\012" at /usr/share/cricket/lib/Common/ line 81.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: hort-desc%
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: standard-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value:
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: Chassis
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 999
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: Cisco IOS Software, C1140 Software (C1140-K9W7-M), Version 12.4(25d)JA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)<BR>Technical Support:<BR>Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.<BR>Compiled Thu 09-Dec-10 15:24 by prod_rel_team<BR>sysContact: ***
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: inst value: 0
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: class value: cisco
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: Cisco-Generic-Router
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: C1140 class chassis
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Info ] Building Custom Non-Interface Statistics
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: device-traffic
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 998
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: Switch fabric statistics - Packets per Second
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: inst value:
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: Device-Traffic
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: Switch fabric statistics - Packets per Second
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Info ] Walking cardIfSlotNumber...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking cardIfPortNumber...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking frCircuitState...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking cfrExtCircuitSubifIndex...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking rttMonEchoAdminProtocol...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking rttMonCtrlOperState...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking rttMonCtrlAdminTag...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking ccarConfigAccIdx...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking cbwfqObject...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Info ] Walking cbwfqPolicy...
[Info ] ......................... 0
[Debug ] index: ipadentif: 13 data: AccessPoint03
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Info ] Processing Pre-Process of interface list
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Info ] Processing Pre-Process modular output
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Info ] Processing Interface list
[Debug ] extended:$index = 1
[Debug ] extended:$dot3statsindex{1} = 1
[Debug ] ### Interface 1: Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) (71)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 OK
[Debug ] ### Target: Dot11Radio0 ###
[Debug ] Commented-out:
[Debug ] Config: target-type cisco-interface interface-name Dot11Radio0 short-desc <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) long-desc <BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) order 899 rrd-max 54000000 rrd-max-octets 6750000 monitor-type cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max value: 54000000
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: Dot11Radio0
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 899
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: <BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max-octets value: 6750000
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Debug ] extended:$index = 2
[Debug ] extended:$dot3statsindex{2} = 2
[Debug ] ### Interface 2: Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) (71)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 OK
[Debug ] ### Target: Dot11Radio1 ###
[Debug ] Commented-out:
[Debug ] Config: target-type cisco-interface interface-name Dot11Radio1 short-desc <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) long-desc <BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11) order 898 rrd-max 54000000 rrd-max-octets 6750000 monitor-type cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max value: 54000000
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: Dot11Radio1
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 898
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: <BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11)
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max-octets value: 6750000
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Debug ] extended:$index = 3
[Debug ] extended:$dot3statsindex{3} = 3
[Debug ] ### Interface 3: ethernetCsmacd (6)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 100.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 OK
[Debug ] ### Target: GigabitEthernet0 ###
[Debug ] Commented-out:
[Debug ] Config: target-type cisco-interface interface-name GigabitEthernet0 short-desc <BR>Description: <BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd long-desc <BR><BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd order 897 rrd-max 100000000 rrd-max-octets 12500000 monitor-type cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max value: 100000000
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: GigabitEthernet0
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 897
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: <BR><BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: <BR>Description: <BR>100.0 MBits/s ethernetCsmacd
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max-octets value: 12500000
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Debug ] extended:$index = 4 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 4: Other (1)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 10.0 GBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 5 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 5: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 6 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 6: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 7 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 7: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 8 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 8: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 9 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 9: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 10 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 10: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 100.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 11 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 11: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 100.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 12 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 12: Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q (135)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 100.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 DONTCOLLECT
[Debug ] extended:$index = 13 not supported.
[Debug ] ### Interface 13: bridge Transparent bridge interface (209)
[Debug ] desc:
[Debug ] speed: 54.0 MBits/s mtu: 1500 OK
[Debug ] ### Target: BVI1 ###
[Debug ] Commented-out:
[Debug ] Config: target-type cisco-interface interface-name BVI1 short-desc <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s bridge Transparent bridge interface long-desc <BR>AccessPoint03<BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s bridge Transparent bridge interface order 887 rrd-max 54000000 rrd-max-octets 6750000 monitor-type cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: Printing out the target keys.
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: monitor-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max value: 54000000
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: interface-name value: BVI1
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: order value: 887
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: long-desc value: <BR>AccessPoint03<BR><BR>54.0 MBits/s bridge Transparent bridge interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: short-desc value: <BR>Description: <BR>54.0 MBits/s bridge Transparent bridge interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: target-type value: cisco-interface
[Debug ] Monitor-debug: targetkey: rrd-max-octets value: 6750000
[Debug ] Skipping monitoring thresholds for this target.
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]
[Info ] Closing filehandles
[Info ] ......................... [DONE]