DUFOUR Jean-Michel (ext ATOS - SNCF)
2013-06-27 09:38:15 UTC
What do the below errors mean and how can i fix them ?
***@s64lmwbialm ~/cricket #./collector /MATERIEL/OSMOSE/PRODUCTION/Cluster_Services/s64lmwbigl5/cpu
[27-Jun-2013 10:16:32 ] Starting collector: Cricket version 1.0.3 (2001-11-06)
[27-Jun-2013 10:16:35 ] Retrieved data for cpu (): 33908788,2185,54739353,218619,68796369,1291271386
[27-Jun-2013 10:16:35*] Cannot update /home/cricket/cricket-config/../cricket-data//MATERIEL/OSMOSE/PRODUCTION/Cluster_Services/s64lmwbigl5/cpu.rrd: expected 7 data source readings (got 6) from N:33908788:2185:54739353:218619:68796369:1291271386:...
[27-Jun-2013 10:16:35 ] Processed 1 targets in 4 seconds.
***@s64lmwbialm ~/cricket #
Thanks in advance.
Métrologie (http://metrologie-unix.dsit.sncf.fr/ <http://metrologie-unix.dsit.sncf.fr/> )
25 C, Quai Pierre SEMARD - 69350 la Mulatière
TÉL. : +33 (0)4 72 66 41 28 (50 81 28)
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What do the below errors mean and how can i fix them ?
***@s64lmwbialm ~/cricket #./collector /MATERIEL/OSMOSE/PRODUCTION/Cluster_Services/s64lmwbigl5/cpu
[27-Jun-2013 10:16:32 ] Starting collector: Cricket version 1.0.3 (2001-11-06)
[27-Jun-2013 10:16:35 ] Retrieved data for cpu (): 33908788,2185,54739353,218619,68796369,1291271386
[27-Jun-2013 10:16:35*] Cannot update /home/cricket/cricket-config/../cricket-data//MATERIEL/OSMOSE/PRODUCTION/Cluster_Services/s64lmwbigl5/cpu.rrd: expected 7 data source readings (got 6) from N:33908788:2185:54739353:218619:68796369:1291271386:...
[27-Jun-2013 10:16:35 ] Processed 1 targets in 4 seconds.
***@s64lmwbialm ~/cricket #
Thanks in advance.
Métrologie (http://metrologie-unix.dsit.sncf.fr/ <http://metrologie-unix.dsit.sncf.fr/> )
25 C, Quai Pierre SEMARD - 69350 la Mulatière
TÉL. : +33 (0)4 72 66 41 28 (50 81 28)
Ce message et toutes les pièces jointes sont établis à l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. L'intégrité de ce message n'étant pas assurée sur Internet, la SNCF ne peut être tenue responsable des altérations qui pourraient se produire sur son contenu. Toute publication, utilisation, reproduction, ou diffusion, même partielle, non autorisée préalablement par la SNCF, est strictement interdite. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire de ce message, merci d'en avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur et de le détruire.
This message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressees and are confidential. SNCF may not be held responsible for their contents whose accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed over the Internet. Unauthorized use, disclosure, distribution, copying, or any part thereof is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender immediately and delete it.