[cricket-users] Data collection script for BIND 9.5
Peter Yardley
2008-12-12 06:08:00 UTC

I have written a script to collect data from the XML stats channel of a
Bind 9.5+ DNS server. It works with Cricket and should work with MRTG
and Cacti.

You can get it here...


in the projects section under 'Bind 9.5 DNS Stats', or this is the
direct link...



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Thomas Garner
2008-12-15 03:03:11 UTC
This is totally awesome. My last bind stats solution seemed to break
not too long ago, and this worked right out of the box.

It's a real shame that the contrib software page doesn't seem to be
maintained any longer, as it'd be great to have the more current
solutions in one place...

Post by Peter Yardley
I have written a script to collect data from the XML stats channel of a
Bind 9.5+ DNS server. It works with Cricket and should work with MRTG
and Cacti.
You can get it here...
in the projects section under 'Bind 9.5 DNS Stats', or this is the
direct link...
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