[cricket-users] one host has two target types, please help. (Marc Powell)
Consultant IT
2008-09-02 01:54:06 UTC

the target is a host name. I need this as a paramter to get data for SNMP
and perl.

if change to mydomain.com-global, it does not make sense.

for SNMP, the Defaults define the rrd file:

Target --default--
dataDir =
rrd-datafile = %dataDir%/%auto-target-name%.rrd

for perl source, the Defaults.xml defines another rrd file:

Target --default--
dataDir =
rrd-datafile =

So I already defined two rrd file names. The issue is everytime it collects
the data, it collect global-xml twice. It
did not collect the global (SNMP data).
Please help me more, thanks,
My email appliance has two target types, one is from SNMP, the other
is from
my perl scripts to reading from http xml interfaces.
#more targets
target mail01.mydomain.com
target-type = global
target mail01.mydomain.com
target-type = global-xml
The issue is everytime it collects the data, it collect global-xml
twice. It
did not collect the global (SNMP data).
Your target names need to be unique. This is what cricket bases the
names of the rrd files on.

target mail01.mydomain.com-global
target-type = global
target mail01.mydomain.com-xml
target-type = global-xml
2008-09-02 02:05:26 UTC
Post by Consultant IT
the target is a host name. I need this as a paramter to get data for SNMP
and perl.
then you'll need to abstract this out using snmp-host entries per target

take a read through the top-level Defaults file to find out how this
normally works (that is, if you don't define snmp-host)
Post by Consultant IT
So I already defined two rrd file names. The issue is everytime it
collects the data, it collect global-xml twice. It did not collect the
global (SNMP data).
you should use unique target-names + the above


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