[cricket-users] Cricket compile segfault
Anders Synstad
2010-07-19 11:37:38 UTC

Unsure if this mailing list is still alive, but thought I should give it
a go.

I'm currently having some issues with Cricket's compile. One of the
configuration files I generate, contain 'mtargets = ""' with a large
number of targets (1000+). This seems to cause compile to segfault
consistently. :(

Another config file have mtargets with aprox 300 targets. And this seems
to work fine.

Before I started to investigate the deep and gory perl details, I was
wondering if anyone had experienced this and possible had a solution for it?

Anders Synstad
Basefarm AS
Anders Synstad
2010-08-26 14:17:43 UTC
I finaly found the root cause for this segfault, and thought I'd share
it with whomever wants.

The 'compile' script uses ConfigTree::Node, which again uses
Text::ParseWords. In the parse_line sub, there is a regexp that is run
on the value from the cricket config (my very long mtargets (45000+

On my system, this causes perl itself to segfault on variables larger
than about 20680 chars. I'm sure this number may vary from machine to
machine. It seems like at least this version of perl simply can't handle
running regexps on such large variables.

On my machine I'm running and old perl 5.8.8 (I know, can't blame anyone
when running an old perl), however, upgrading is not that simple in my case.

I did use a small proof-of-concept test script to verify and test the


$| = 1;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::ParseWords;

my $start = 20000;
my $step = 100;
my $max = 100000;

for( my $i = $start ; $i < $max ; $i += $step ){
print "Testing $i characters...";
parse_line('\s+', 0, q{x} x $i);
print "done.\n";

I also tested this script on a host running perl 5.12, and I could not
reproduce the problem on my perl 5.12 build.

I've also tried different versions of the Text::ParseWords perl module,
but with no luck. But that's not so strange, considering it is the
regexp the dies, and not something else in the code.

Anders Synstad
Basefarm AS
Post by Anders Synstad
Unsure if this mailing list is still alive, but thought I should give it
a go.
I'm currently having some issues with Cricket's compile. One of the
configuration files I generate, contain 'mtargets = ""' with a large
number of targets (1000+). This seems to cause compile to segfault
consistently. :(
Another config file have mtargets with aprox 300 targets. And this seems
to work fine.
Before I started to investigate the deep and gory perl details, I was
wondering if anyone had experienced this and possible had a solution for it?
Anders Synstad
Basefarm AS
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