[cricket-users] stop graphing in Cricket
Nizar Melaih
2008-05-06 10:31:29 UTC
Dear all i configured new server for cricket on freeBSD and it is working fine up to 1 month but after that it is stop collecting any thing when i do manual collecting it collect but after that it is stop when i check the /usr/local/cricket/cricket-logs/normal.0 i will put the sample result :

[06-May-2008 13:18:49 ] Retrieved data for users (): 0
[06-May-2008 13:18:49 ] Retrieved data for processes (): 71
[06-May-2008 13:18:49 ] Retrieved data for memory (): 1094900,1953564

and when i check the apache log file it give me the following result ( tail -f /var/log/httpd-error.log ):
[Tue May 06 12:47:43 2008] [error] [client] [06-May-2008 12:47:43*] Found unknown tag 'router' during expansion of 'igwcommunity@%rou...'., referer: http://cricket-server/cricket/grapher.cgi?target=%2FGATEWAY%2FBackbone
[Tue May 06 12:47:43 2008] [error] [client] [06-May-2008 12:47:43*] Found unknown tag 'router' during expansion of '%router%'., referer: http://cricket-server/cricket/grapher.cgi?target=%2FGATEWAY%2FBackbone
my cricket version is cricket-1.0.5 and when i go in one directory for example to see the default file

This is the first 6 line in the Default in Gateway directory
Target --default--
inst = map(interface-name)
snmp-community = igwcommunity
snmp-host = %router%
snmp-version= 2
target-type = standard-interface

now every graph give me nan can any one please help in this i am new in cricket .

Best Regards

Nizar Melaih
2008-05-07 06:58:18 UTC
Hi Todd,

i try that one but it not solve my problem the time is stop see the
following example :
Last updated at Wed May 7 09:25:15 2008 this time is shown by cricket
( now the time is Wed May 7 09:55 2008 ) this is my computer time
the cricket untill now can't draw any graph

can you help Please


----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Hausser" <***@wrex.com>
To: "Nizar Melaih" <***@saudi.net.sa>
Cc: "cricket list" <cricket-***@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: [cricket-users] stop graphing in Cricket
I'm not any cricket guru, but this has burned me before. Has the
collector stopped?
"Subtree ALL is currently being processed. If this is a mistake,
use "rm /tmp/cricket-subtree-ALL" to unlock it."
Just a thought.
Post by Nizar Melaih
Dear all i configured new server for cricket on freeBSD and it is
working fine up to 1 month but after that it is stop collecting any thing
when i do manual collecting it collect but after that it is stop when i
check the /usr/local/cricket/cricket-logs/normal.0 i will put the sample
[06-May-2008 13:18:49 ] Retrieved data for users (): 0
[06-May-2008 13:18:49 ] Retrieved data for processes (): 71
[06-May-2008 13:18:49 ] Retrieved data for memory (): 1094900,1953564
and when i check the apache log file it give me the following result
[Tue May 06 12:47:43 2008] [error] [client] [06-May-2008
12:47:43*] Found unknown tag 'router' during expansion of
[Tue May 06 12:47:43 2008] [error] [client] [06-May-2008
12:47:43*] Found unknown tag 'router' during expansion of '%router%'.,
my cricket version is cricket-1.0.5 and when i go in one directory for
example to see the default file This is the first 6 line in the Default
in Gateway directory
Target --default--
inst = map(interface-name)
snmp-community = igwcommunity
snmp-host = %router%
snmp-version= 2
target-type = standard-interface
now every graph give me nan can any one please help in this i am new in cricket .
Best Regards
Nizar -------------------------------------------------------------------------
This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference Don't
miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. Use
priority code J8TL2D2.
cricket-users mailing list
Nizar Melaih
2008-05-07 07:16:22 UTC
Hi Todd ,
Sorry you are right by delete this file the whole cricket start collecting
again and drawing the graphs Many Many thanks to you Todd ,
but do you know about the delay in collecting time as i know cricket collect
data every 5 minute but the cricket collect the data some time after 15
minute and some time after 30 minute any idea Please

Best Regards

----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Hausser" <***@wrex.com>
To: "Nizar Melaih" <***@saudi.net.sa>
Cc: "cricket list" <cricket-***@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: [cricket-users] stop graphing in Cricket
I'm not any cricket guru, but this has burned me before. Has the
collector stopped?
"Subtree ALL is currently being processed. If this is a mistake,
use "rm /tmp/cricket-subtree-ALL" to unlock it."
Just a thought.
Post by Nizar Melaih
Dear all i configured new server for cricket on freeBSD and it is
working fine up to 1 month but after that it is stop collecting any thing
when i do manual collecting it collect but after that it is stop when i
check the /usr/local/cricket/cricket-logs/normal.0 i will put the sample
[06-May-2008 13:18:49 ] Retrieved data for users (): 0
[06-May-2008 13:18:49 ] Retrieved data for processes (): 71
[06-May-2008 13:18:49 ] Retrieved data for memory (): 1094900,1953564
and when i check the apache log file it give me the following result
[Tue May 06 12:47:43 2008] [error] [client] [06-May-2008
12:47:43*] Found unknown tag 'router' during expansion of
[Tue May 06 12:47:43 2008] [error] [client] [06-May-2008
12:47:43*] Found unknown tag 'router' during expansion of '%router%'.,
my cricket version is cricket-1.0.5 and when i go in one directory for
example to see the default file This is the first 6 line in the Default
in Gateway directory
Target --default--
inst = map(interface-name)
snmp-community = igwcommunity
snmp-host = %router%
snmp-version= 2
target-type = standard-interface
now every graph give me nan can any one please help in this i am new in cricket .
Best Regards
Nizar -------------------------------------------------------------------------
This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference Don't
miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. Use
priority code J8TL2D2.
cricket-users mailing list